한화리조트 통합사이트 전체메뉴
- 人员
- 5人
- 房间数
- 143(2-6楼,33㎡)
- 房间配置
- 家具
- 床,沙发床
- 消费者
- 电话,空调,冰箱,电热水壶,咖啡和茶,电视(付费电视),吹风机
- 餐具
- 肥皂,洗发水,香皂,毛巾,浴巾,棉签和药棉,浴帽,拖鞋
Air conditioner automatically turns off the balcony door is open.
Wireless Internet access is available in all rooms.
All rooms are on the 1st 2 bottles of water are provided free of charge.
Deluxe type
- 人员
- 4人
- 房间数
- 80(8-10楼,33㎡)
- 房间配置
- 双人房(两张床)
- 家具
- 床,沙发床
- 消费者
- 电话,空调,冰箱,电热水壶,咖啡和茶,电视(付费电视),吹风机
- 餐具
- 肥皂,洗发水,香皂,毛巾,浴巾,棉签和药棉,浴帽,拖鞋
Air conditioner automatically turns off the balcony door is open.
Wireless Internet access is available in all rooms.
All rooms have 2 bottles of water, 2 bottles of beer and juice each offered one free.
- 人员
- 4人
- 房间数
- 30(7楼,33㎡)
- 房间配置
- 单(一张特大号床)
- 家具
- 床,沙发床
- 消费者
- 电话,空调,冰箱,电热水壶,咖啡和茶,电视(付费电视),吹风机
- 餐具
- 肥皂,洗发水,香皂,毛巾,浴巾,棉签和药棉,浴帽,拖鞋
Air conditioner automatically turns off the balcony door is open.
Wireless Internet access is available in all rooms.
All rooms have 2 bottles of water, 2 bottles of beer and juice each offered one free.
- 人员
- 4人
- 房间数
- 1秒楼,10楼5
- 房间配置
- 双人房(两张大床) - 1房,单(大床2)-5室
- 家具
- 床,沙发床
- 消费者
- 电话,空调,冰箱,电热水壶,咖啡和茶,电视(付费电视),吹风机
- 餐具
- 肥皂,洗发水,香皂,毛巾,浴巾,棉签和药棉,浴帽,拖鞋
Air conditioner automatically turns off the balcony door is open.
Wireless Internet access is available in all rooms.
All rooms have 2 bottles of water, 2 bottles of beer and juice each offered one free.
※ suite has a hair comb, wash cross towel, toothbrush & toothpaste, bathrobes, Turn Down Service provides additional